Guardians of the Galaxy 002 (Nov. 2015)


To catch you up…

“The entire galaxy is a mess. Warring empires and cosmic terrorists plague every corner. Someone has to rise above it all and fight for those who have no one to fight for them. A group of misfits — Drax the Destroyer, Gamora, Rocket Raccoon, Groot, and Flash Thompson, a.k.a. Venom — all joined together under the leadership of Peter Quill, Star-Lord to serve a higher cause to become the Guardians of the Galaxy.

“While Gamora was gone without a trace and Quill was locked in a gilded cage as King of planet Spartax, the Guardians filled out their ranks with Quill’s fiancee, X-Man Kitty Pryde, and Ben Grimm, a.k.a. The Thing of the Fantastic Four. After discovering an inscrutable object on a Chitauri ship, the active Guardians brought it to Peter for investigation with royal resources. Once on Spartax, Gamora crash-landed at their feet. She had used the last of her strength to alert her teammates to the imminent arrival of HALA.” – Guardians of the Galaxy 002 (Nov. 2015)


Hala was once the homeworld of the most advanced civilization in the galaxy, the Kree. The Kree influenced and protected the galaxy. The planet Hala was destroyed while the Accuser Hala was out in a remote part of the Galaxy. Hala is the last of the great Kree warriors, the Accusers. She believes the Guardians of the Galaxy destroyed her planet and her people and have vowed to destroy them all.

The skirmish was over quickly once Thing globbered Hala. She went down and Drax picked up her weapon, claiming it as his. The weapon let off a massive burst of energy and Drax was unable to let go. Kitty couldn’t get to him and the team was being blasted by fire. While the weapon is attacking everyone, Hala wakes up and grabs her weapon, knocking everyone out with a burst of energy. She walks over to Peter and plans to make him pay the most. She is going to take BOTH his home planets from him, Spartax and Earth. She captures him and destroys Spartax. Peter wakes and watches Spartax blow up from a Pod Ship. TO BE CONTINUED…

Wow. Now THAT is how you introduce your new villain! The artwork, the story… Hala is pretty badass. I hope 003 comes out quickly. Until next time!

The Dragon

TheDragon: Hello! I am The Dragon, creator of The Dragon’s, Jedite’s wife, Co-Creator of Captain Little Dude, Geek, Gamer, Nerd, fangirl, bookworm, and Pagan. Pastry Chef turned Web Designer. Entrepreneur. Philanthropist. Human. Feminist.