Wynter #1 Review


Hacker Labs – The Geek and Otaku Blog was sent a free comic from New Worlds Comics by following them on Twitter. We recieved a copy of Wynter #1 (follow @NewsWorldsComics on Twitter to get your own!) by Guy Hasson and Aron Elekes.

I was pleased to see the main character of the comic was a female, Liz Wynter. I am a firm believer that the comic book community could use more strong female leads in comics and not just women who happen to appear in some male super heroes storyline as a plot device or sidekick. I was looking for strong and I got it. Liz jumps off the page from the first panel and captivates the reader to learn more. The world Liz lives in is a dystopian society where everyone is a clone. Their DNA has been spread over millions of worlds and when everyone is the same, no one is special. There is even a GlaDOS-like computer to tell you how un-special you really are.

Everyone in this universe has some sort of computer embedded into their brains where they can stay connected to their friends and the internet (sort of like us and social media and our smart phones, but inside their heads). You can even add/pirate apps to upgrade your experience. Liz’s friend Shane brings her a program she stole from some random person on the street and ends up seeing some dangerous information Big Brother did not want them to see. Shane heads to some meeting for the group that “gave” her the software. Liz chose to steal her teacher’s car instead.

The chase the cops made when she stole the car was scary. Since they have her DNA on file, they are able to determine her every move (since there are about a billion like her to draw patterns from) before she knows she is going to make it. No fuss, no muss. They get her in front of a judge and passify her by injecting some drugs into her system. A “treatment” so she wont feel special again. Her father tries to defend her, but she spits on him and ends up going to jail. While in jail she finds out her friend Shane has been murdered in cold blood. Maybe it had something to do with the meeting she attended? Or the information on the app she stole? TO BE CONTINUED…

I can’t wait to read the next issue. The artwork is amazing and original and the story is gripping. I am really curious to see where they take this story. If you want to see what happens next, check out the comics here.

The Dragon

TheDragon: Hello! I am The Dragon, creator of The Dragon’s Tower.com, Jedite’s wife, Co-Creator of Captain Little Dude, Geek, Gamer, Nerd, fangirl, bookworm, and Pagan. Pastry Chef turned Web Designer. Entrepreneur. Philanthropist. Human. Feminist.