For Christmas this year I got Jedite a 3-month Gift Subscription to Skoshbox, a Japanese candy monthly subscription box. So, for the months of January, February, and March Jedite and I, with special guest Captain Little Dude, will review the treats in each Skoshbox delivery. I ordered Jedite the 3-month Holiday Plan costing $35 total. That included shipping and everything. They have a 12-month plan that renews monthly for $12 (all prices are correct at the posting of this article), a 6-month plan that ends after 6 boxes costing $66 (that’s $11/box), or a 1-year plan that ends after 12 boxes costing $120 (that’s $10/box).
Skoshbox also offers a DEKAbox where you get twice the candy as a regular Skoshbox and the option of a mystery accessory item for $2 more/box. The 1-month plan renews monthly and costs $24/box. the 6-month plan ends after 6 boxes and costs $132 (that’s $22/box). The 1-year plan ends after 12 boxes and costs $240 (that’s $20/box).
In the middle of the Holiday Plan we moved. Contacting Customer Service via email was incredibly easy. They replied quickly and were able to easily change the address the box was sent to without making me jump through hoops. All I had to do was give them the new address and they took care of it. Come February we received our box at the new address on time. No hassles or headaches.
The box itself arrived the first week of February in a box small enough to fit in our mailbox or any PO Box. When we opened it we found a little card that showed the month and year on the front and had a description of each candy (complete with ingredients list!) on the back.
The Candy
While we tried each candy, I wrote down everyone’s initial reactions. We tasted everything over the course of a few days. We were hoping to make it last this time. The only downside I see to these subscription boxes is the candy eventually runs out. Skoshbox does offer a store on their site where you can buy any candies you really enjoyed. That way you don’t have to wait for it to show up again in a future box. Just order your own supply! The February card even had the prices listed. I love it.
Jagabee Potato Fries: Tastes just like french fries! –Jagabee Potato Fries
Jedite: These are REALLY good! How much are these to buy? ($2.99/bag as of Feb. 2015) Tasty. The potato stick I always wanted to eat. They’ve got the potato stick crunch I like, but in the form of something I can bite into. I want to be able to enjoy lesser potato sticks again. The downside is it is made in Oregon and comes in American packaging with some Japanese text thrown in there. I was hoping for something a little more exotic from my Japanese candy box. I wish I could buy these from my local convenient store.
The Dragon: Looks and tastes like a french fry made like a potato chip. I was also a little disappointed these were in there.
Charlotte Matcha Choco: with premium green tea filling (x2) –Charlotte Matcha Chocolate
: I liked them. The chocolate was a little thinner than I expected. Nice and creamy. The filling was sweet, but not super sweet.
: It doesn’t really look like Japanese candy. Smells sort of minty. The taste is not to my liking. It is a sort of minty chocolate matcha. I’m not a fan. I gave the rest of mine to Jedite.
Nakayoshi Soft Cookie Ball: Soft melt in your mouth cookies –Nakayoshi Soft Cookie Ball
: The baby on the packaging is interesting. The box describes it as a “soft, melt in your mouth cookie.” It is certainly that. They taste like a hard, flavorless animal cracker that just turns into mush after a few chews. Not something I would buy. I’ll buy animal crackers instead.
: It is hard and crumbles like a puff treat, but explodes into a powder-goo with burnt cookie after-taste. They taste like teething biscuits for toddlers. Blegh. I would not buy these again.
Mini Box Chewing Gum: Whistle, Ball, Tablet, Cigar, or Mini Tabs –Mini Box Chewing Gum
: I like that you get a nice big chunk. (2 sticks were in the box. The Dragon got one and I the other) I like the flavor, but it fades quickly. I’m not the biggest fan of gum.
: A hard gum with a fruity taste. It is not too sweet or overpowering. It tastes like a pixie stick in gum form. I think the flavor lasts a long while.
Kasugai Fruit Gummies: Apple, Grape, Orange, Pineapple, or Peach (Apple)-Kasugai Fruit Gummies
: I liked them. When I first opened the bag it had a nice apple smell. The candy looked boring. When I bit into the candy it had the same texture as biting into an apple. The flavor is right on and not too sweet. I would like to try some of the other fruit flavors and would definitely buy them again.
: It smells like apples. (Yum!!) They look like little dot gummies. They taste like apples! (Double yum!) More than two was a little overpowering. I would not buy these again. Jedite can enjoy these.
Shimi Corn Chocolate: Chocolate infused star puffs –Shimi Corn Chocolate
: They’re… big. It looks and smells like an over-sized, star shaped, cocoa pebble. It tastes like you would expect it to. I wouldn’t buy them more than one at a time.
: I like the packaging. The rainbow winking star is adorable. Bigger than I thought they would be. Smells like cocoa pebbles. OMG YES!!! It is a melt in your mouth, creamy, crunchy, chocolate puffy cloud of deliciousness. I want to grab a dozen bags of these and plant myself in front of a Sword Art Online marathon. I NEED to buy these again! Very good with a glass of milk.
Rilakkuma Gum + Seal Set: Chewing gum + Kawaii Card/Seal Set –Rilakkuma Gum + Seal Set
: The little bookmark and stickers are adorable. I love it! Kind of an apple flavor. The gum was boring. The flavor was minimal and the piece was tiny. You don’t buy that one for the gum. You buy it for the adorable stickers and prize.
: The Seal looks like a bookmark with stickers. Pretty cute. The gum is plain and white. It smells fruity. It is soft and chewy. If the piece was bigger it would be good for popping bubbles. A light, green apple sort of flavor. Not too sweet or sour. Not very overpowering of a flavor. I get bored with gum pretty fast, so I would not buy this again. I agree with Jedite that you do not buy this for the gum, but for the prize inside.
Overall Opinion of the February Box –
: Except for the gum and the cookie balls, they were all pretty good. The Matcha Chocolate was pretty good. My favorite was the Rilakkuma Gum + Seal Set, because it was adorable. Overall, I think the Skoshbox is worth the money. it is definitely something I would want as a gift again. Maybe a whole year next time?
: I liked January’s box better than February’s box. My favorite was the Shimi Corn Chocolate. Yum! My least favorite was the Nakayoshi Soft Cookie Balls. I didn’t expect to like everything that was in the boxes. It is fun to try something new. I am quickly finding favorites. The Japanese make some tasty snacks.
Hello! I am The Dragon, creator of The Dragon’s, Jedite’s wife, Co-Creator of Captain Little Dude, Geek, Gamer, Nerd, fangirl, bookworm, and Pagan. Pastry Chef turned Web Designer. Entrepreneur. Philanthropist. Human. Feminist.