FeaturedHacker Labs

15 Years

15 Years.
I have been runing this website, in some form or another for the last 15 years. That’s pretty impressive for any website, especially a personal website.
Thinking back over the years, this site has seen a lot of changes. it started as a political blog, then morphes into a technology websiute, a personal blog and now a personal geek blog. I to have seen a lof of changes in the last 15 years. when I started this site i was just out of the military, living with my parents and going to collage. I had few friends and this was my main hobby. int he years since, I have gotten married, had 2 kids, gone through a number of different jobs. I have had to deal with being homeless and the drama of being a renter. Life, just like this site has changed a lot int he last 15 years.

What do the next 15 years hold for Hacker Labs? A lot, I hope.
I am currently inbt he process of spinning All Things Wicca off into it’s own blog (like it originally was). I will be posting more information about that later today.
I have also been working on a couple of smaller side projects that will be added to Hacker Labs as they get closer to completion.
As for Hacker Labs – The Geek and Otaku Blog, I am planning on resuming recording and writing reviews for retro games, along with other geek things that I am working on. I am going to be doing less geek news type articles.

Here’s to another 15 Years.


Jedite83 is a professional geek-of-all-trades and founder of Hacker Labs - The Geek and Otaku Blog. www.hackerlabs.net