
While the webcomic isn’t about me personaly, I understand the writer. I tent to jump from interest to interest and have started to complie this list of them, with links to more information. I will be updating this list to add more details.
Video Games – Growing up I was a huge video gamer. Had the NES, SNES, N64, Game boy (original, pocket, color, SP and the DS), PlayStation and the PlayStation 2. I currently have a PS2, PS3, Android and Emulators for many old systems. As you can see, I have been posting about video games (and other kinds of gaming) for some time, and I have been getting back into it hard core as of late. Check out the Gaming category.
Web Design – Stating sometime around 1996 or 1997 I started to teach myself web design from how-to magazine articles from a local free computer mag. For my birthday that year I got web hosting for my U.F.O website. I got more into it in high school and studied it in college. I currently run this site as a hobby to document my numerous other projects.
Anime – when I went to college the first time and for a wile after (2003 – 2006/2006ish) I was interesting in anime. It really started when I was introduced to Sailor Moon in 9th grade (1999 if I recall), however in college I got really interested, and I had friends who’s interest was more then staring at anime girls boobs. We went to Megacon and Metrocon, plug hanging out while watching & talking about anime.
With the remake of Sailor Moon, I have found myself getting back into anime.
Wet shaving – Last October I decided to give wet shaving with a old school safety razor a try.
Not all hobbies last however:
(listed newest first)