Dungenos and Dragons: 5th Edition

At the Wizards of the Coast blog you can download the Player’s Basic Rules and the Dungeon Master’s Basic Rules in PDF and printer friendly format. In the Player’s Basic Rule Book, you get everything you need to play: including four classes—Cleric, Fighter, Rogue, and Wizard—as well as four races—Dwarves, Elves, Halflings, and Humans—and printable character sheets. The Player’s Basic Rules comes in at around 115 pages and the Dungeon Master’s Guide at around 61 pages, so there’s plenty of content to start you off.

Get it free at Wizard’s of the Coast’s website

Jedite83: Jedite83 is a professional geek-of-all-trades and founder of Hacker Labs - The Geek and Otaku Blog. www.hackerlabs.net