

· AIRTS -”Airt” is a Scottish Gaelic term meaning something to the effect of “Wind.” In Scottish Traditional Wicca when the Magic Circle was cast the Four Winds, or Airts, would be summoned to stand guard over it and to aid the ritual being performed. The Airts are identified with the Four Directions, the Four Elements, and a host of other correspondences.
· ALLEGORY -Allegory is the supreme achievement of Pagan religion. It is the art of using easily understandable symbols to describe difficult or abstract concepts. In this way for example, we describe the interaction of spirit and body, a complex and intangible concept, as the dance of Goddess and God -a concrete and easily understood image from which the higher concept can be extracted. It is allegory which allows us to speak of “energy” as “light”. It is allegory which allows us to speak of the Universe as a Dive Web, connecting all things. Allegory allows us to free ourselves from literality, and opens the door to abstract thinking.
· ALTAR CLOTH -A cloth placed upon an altar table to enrich or decorate it. Altar cloths originated in a time when all cloth was woven by hand, and embroidered cloth was a status symbol and its use a sign of an important occasion. Altar cloths are often very beautiful, and sometimes include a wall hanging behind the altar as well.
· ALTAR TABLE -the surface on which an altar is set up, an altar table can be most anything from a patch of ground to a marble pedestal -and anything in between. It is generally considered preferable that an altar table be made of wood or stone (or such materials as plaster or terra cotta, for that matter). Metal is usually not used because of the conductivity of its nature, though altar pieces are often of metal, and it is not unusual for an altar table to be decorated with metal ornaments or inlay, or to have a metal frame.
· ANCESTORS -Ancestors are spirits of people who have helped to shape us into who we are. Commonly these are deceased family members, and it is in this way that the term is primarily used. But Ancestors need not necessarily be people to whom we are related by blood. A deceased person who helped us in some important way or whom we particularly admire may also be considered an Ancestor. Sometimes a historical personage to whom we are drawn (perhaps because of a past life connection of which we may or may not be conscious) will be considered an Ancestor. Ancestors are the spirits we honor as being fundamental to the development of our character, and to whom we have a strong psychic bond. Often they will act as Spirit Guides to us, advising and aiding us as we go through life. Ancestors should be acknowledged and honored regularly, to strengthen the bond between us and them.
· ARADIAN -Italian Wiccan tradition as exemplified by the Vangelo Delle Streghe.
· AS ABOVE SO BELOW -The ancient maxim “As Above, So Below” is attributed to the Egyptian spiritual Master Hermes Trismagistus, whose Emerald Tablet and other works were the standard of traditional Hermetic teaching. What is meant by this phrase is that all of creation, whether great or small, reflects the same Divine Nature, or plan. As all things which exist are emanations of the Goddess through the God, all things naturally mirror and reflect Their Divine qualities. For this reason the same Truth will be discerned in a galaxy of stars, and in a single grain of sand, if one is open to it. It is ultimately on this principle that all forms of divination are based.\
· AURA -The field of Spiritual energy around the body. The size, shape, and color(s) of the aura can tell many things about the persons Spiritual state.


· BORN OLD -People who are born with the veil between the conscious self and the powers of the soul very thin, and who can thus access the Higher Self easily with minimal or no instruction, are said to have been “born old”. Talents that others must work to develop come to them easily, seemingly without effort. This is because such souls have already put out great efforts to develop these skills in previous lives, and bring them through to the present.


· CANDLE MAGIC -Candle magic is the art of using a candle to focus your energy and intent to bring about a desired result. Usually the candle is lit and focused on for a period of meditation. The candle may then be allowed to burn on, until it is consumed -in the belief that its burning is bringing the desired result into manifestation. Or the candle may be extinguished, and the ritual repeated at intervals, as every day for a set number of days.
· CHAKRA -Chakras are the energy centers of the body, where body and Spirit most strongly connect. There are thousands of Chakras in every part of the body, which are connected to each other by meridians, or energy pathways. This is the basis of such systems of medicine as acupuncture, shiatsu, and moxidermy, which treat physical illness by applying stimulation to the Chakra points. In general practice however, most people work only with the seven major Chakras which correspond to the seven spheres of existence and the seven bodies.
· CHAOS -Primordial Deity, God/dess before creation. The original state which contains within itself the beginnings of all that is given form in the physical world, but in a dreamlike and undifferentiated state. Both female and male, spiritual and physical, dark and light, all bound up together. Chaos is also called Unity or Union, among many other names. Chaos is both the starting point and the ending point of creation, it is the wholeness of Deity -from which we come and to which ultimately we shall all return, enriched by our physical experiences. Chaos is also thought of as Deity at rest, between the creation and destruction of successive Universes, or at the center of multiple Universes.
· CORRELLIAN CALENDAR -The Correllian calendar was developed as a Pagan response to the Gregorian calendar. The Gregorian calendar is based on the supposed date of the birth of Jesus, and divides all of history in half based on that date. Pre-Christian dates must be calculated backward in this system, which not only makes Jesus appear to be the center of time, but also effectively veils pre-christian history behind a wall of unwieldy calculations and an artificial sense of separation from modern events. The Correllian calendar is cyclical, never using backward dates as such, and having no single “beginning” which might serve to divide time into “us” and “them”.
· CORRESPONDENCES -Correspondence is a teaching system which uses the idea of Sympathy to say that items which have the similar qualities may be represented by each other.
· CRONE -The Goddess in Her aged form. The Crone is represented by the Waning Moon, and rules over wisdom, understanding, magic, and learning, among other things. People who do not possess wisdom often fear it, and thus the Crone Goddess is often feared as well. She is the Goddess of death, Who consumes all things -but only to give them transformation and rebirth. The Crone is often equated with Primordial Deity, Who precedes all creation, and waits to consume (i.e.; re-unite with) it at the end of existence. In popular iconography the Crone is the “Hallowe’en Witch” with Her pointed hat symbolizing the upward spiraling cone of power, Her broomstick for sweeping away old forms of existence, and Her cauldron of transformation for creating new ways of being.


· DARK HALF -The Dark Half of a thing is its process of Involution, or looking inward. During this process things narrow and appear to decrease or become constrained, to force a tight focus. The night is the dark half of the day. The waning moon is the dark half of the lunar cycle. The winter is the dark half of the year. And so on.
· DESTINY -Destiny refers, ultimately, to the lessons afforded one in life, the chances for growth and advancement which will be placed in our path. What we do with these lessons of course is our own -they can be positive or negative according to our choices, rather than any preset destiny. But the lessons themselves are chosen and agreed to prior to birth, to try to stimulate growth the soul needs and desires. Consequently it can be said that life gives us opportunities which we cannot avoid or short circuit, because we have asked for them before entering this life, but what the outcome of these opportunities might be is the result of our own choices and actions.
· DEVOTEE -A devotee is a person who is attached, or devoted, to a particular Patron deity. Thus one might be a devotee of Hecate, or a devotee of Isis, or a devotee of Ganesha, or any of the hundred million some forms of Deity.
· DEOSIL -This term is used to indicate clockwise movement. It literally means “Southwards” from the Gaelic Deas, or “South”. Deosil movement represents the movement of spiritual energy into physical manifestation.
· DIRECTIONS -The idea of representing the Earth as defined by Four Directions is ancient. Four is said to be the number of manifestation because there are Four Directions which define the earth, and Four Elements which compose it. Historically the Four Directions have been personified in many ways: in Egypt as the four Sons of Horus Who held up the sky at the four corners of the Earth, in the Greco-Roman world as the Four Winds. Ceremonials associate the Directions with the Four Archangels, or lesser Gods of their Tradition. The Four Directions are represented by the equal-armed cross, often placed in a circle to represent the world of physical manifestation.
· DO AS YOU WILL, BUT HARM NONE -The Wiccan Rede, the great law of Wicca. Because what you do comes back to you -through Karma- magic and all other actions should be used for constructive purposes only. Using ones actions for harm is wrong and will only bring harm to you in the end.


· ELEMENTS -Elements are thought of as the basic building blocks of creation. Different cultures have used different substances to symbolize the elements, and sometimes different numbers of them, and their correspondences vary widely according to location. In the Wiccan religion they are normally said to be: Air, Fire, Water, and Earth. All things are said to be made up of these elements in differing proportions. It must be understood that it is not the physical substance that is meant here, but rather the spiritual qualities that they represent. Air represents inspiration, Fire action, Water reaction, and Earth integration. In addition Spirit is said to be the fifth element, of which all the others are manifestations.
· ENERGETIC -The term “energetic” as used here refers to things pertaining to psychic energy. Thus “energetic healing” refers to healing by means of psychic energy. The Chakra system is part of one’s “energetic” body and the movement of energy between Chakras is through “energetic circuits.”
· ESBAT -An Esbat is a monthly ceremony or ceremonies, usually tied to the cycle of the Moon. Esbats are commonly held at the New or Full Moon, but can also be held at the Dark Moon.
· EVOLUTION -Involution is a process of going inside, of narrowing ones view to the extremely personal and individual. Evolution is the process of coming out from the separate and personal toward the unified and Divine. Evolution increases the vibration and lightens the density, becoming progressively less physical. This is the process of returning to Goddess and to a perspective of universality. When the Involutionary process has achieved its end, the natural result is Evolution -as is revealed in the sacred Labyrinth, one first winds in, then winds back out. This process is repeated in countless ways in every moment of existence.


· FENG SHUI -Ancient Chinese art of Geomancy based on the directions and the Asian system of five Elements. Feng Shui is used to align the position of buildings, to decorate rooms and in general to divine the most auspicious place to put things, to allow for a free flow of Chi (spiritual energy).


· GEOMANCY -Geomancy is the art of reading the Earth’s energy and aligning ourselves and our works to take best advantage of it. By aligning to the natural orientation and flow of energy in this manner, we add to the effectiveness of our workings. Geomancy is a very ancient art and has a number of local variations which are still in use. On one level Geomancy deals with the Earth’s vortices and ley lines, delineating the energetic character of differing physical locations, and the nature of their connection to each other. More commonly however the term Geomancy refers to interpretation by direction. Geomancy has many uses, including the selection of auspicious locations for structures or events, determining the proper directional alignment of buildings or objects, etc…
· GREAT YEAR -The passage of an entire series of twelve Zodiacal Ages, from one sign all the way back to itself, is said to be a Great Year. According to Correllian reckoning this is a period of 19,200 years.
· GROUNDING -Clearing and releasing excess energy to focus back into the physical here and now, after magical or psychic work.
· GUARDIANS -The “Guardians” are the personified powers of the Four Airts and all they represent. The Guardians are represented in many different ways, and have been throughout history. In Egypt the Guardians were particularly represented by the four Sons of Horus, and also by the four Goddesses Who guarded the tomb. To the Greco-Romans the Guardians were most often represented as the Four Winds, while to Ceremonials they are commonly portrayed as the four Archangels of Judeo-Christian tradition. In many traditions the Guardians are represented as animals, which symbolism is evident in many Tarot decks. In Wicca the Guardians may be represented in many different ways, both as personifications of the powers of the Airts, and as abstract forms -a particularly popular form is as a column of white light, drawn up from the Earth.


· HEKATE -Hekate is the great Crone Goddess of ancient Greece, patroness of magic and wisdom, and a Goddess of the Spiritworld. Hekate is a Goddess of uncertain provenance, being clearly older than and outside of the Greek classical pantheon. Some say She is of Mycenaean origin -the culture which precedes the classical. Others that She is of Phrygian origin. Some equate Her with Hekat, the Egyptian Goddess of creative force and magic, with Whom Hekate was most certainly identified in Hellenistic times. Hekate was known in medieval times as Dame Hecat, in which form She was considered a Patroness of European Witchcraft.
· HIGHER SELF -The higher portion of ones being, through which the connection to the Divine is perceived. By attuning to the Higher Self we move in concert with the part of us which is Divine and have access to its knowledge and powers.


· IMPERIUM -”Imperium” refers to those things which are under one’s direct power or which fall in one’s natural sphere of influence. Thus the imperium of an Astrologer includes subjects related to the stars and their influences, while the imperium of an herbalist would have to do with the medicinal and magical uses of plants.
· INCENSE -Incense is an aromatic substance used to scent the air. Incense has many forms, both combustible and non-combustible, but people generally use the term to refer to any of several varieties of combustible incense which are commonly available. These include incense cones, incense sticks, and smudge sticks -all of which are directly lit with an open flame as from a match or lighter- as well as powdered incense which is burned over a hot charcoal rather than being directly lit itself. The use of incense is very ancient, and in its earliest form it was probably thrown directly on the fire, or used to fuel the fire. Incense is used to raise the vibration of a place and to lend its own qualities to the energies being raised there.
· INTENT -We do magic by consciously focusing energy. We shape that energy through thought and emotion. The energy takes its direction from the “intent” we set into that thought and emotion. “Intent” is your goal or purpose -what you wish to achieve. And it is very important to be clear in intent. When you concentrate upon your intent during a magical working, you are imprinting the energy with your intent, so that it will shape itself to bring your intent to pass.
· INVOLUTION -The Vangelo Delle Streghe says that the God “Fell into Matter”. This means that He “Involved”. To Involve is to focus solely on a part of creation, assuming a spiritual tunnel vision. Involution slows the vibration of energy, and increases its density -thus physicalizing it. Involution gives an illusion of separation from Goddess, affording a singularity of perception which allows a thing to be studied in great detail, by blocking out the rest of creation. Since all above is also below, the process of involution is reflected in all things which must first Involve before they can Evolve -that is to say they must first adopt a highly personal and focused view from which deep understanding and integration is possible, before they can widen their view to contemplate the wholeness of existence.



· KARMA -Divine justice, or balance. Karma tells us that for every action there is a reaction. A good action will beget good. A bad action will beget bad. Everything we do comes back to us in time. Sometimes in this life, sometimes in another, but all eventually returns. To satisfy Karma one must learn the lesson of the action -not merely experience it. And one will re-experience the event as many times as necessary to learn the lesson.
· KEYS -A “key” is something which we use to help induce a shift in consciousness. The key may be anything that evokes the desired mental or emotional atmosphere, making the “shift” easier to accomplish. By making us feel “magical” these “keys” help ease us into our higher selves.


· LAW OF THREE -Most Wiccans believe in the “Law of Three,” that is that what you do -good or bad- comes back to you multiple times. Some mean this literally, others mean it symbolically: that you will repeat the experience as many times as necessary to learn the lesson it offers, “three” here simply meaning “multiple times”.
· LIBATION -A libation is a drink offering made to a Deity or Spirit. The most universal example is the pouring of a small amount of liquid directly on the Earth. Another famous example is the breaking of a champagne bottle on the bow of a ship for “her” Maiden voyage -this is an offering to the spirit of the ship, personified as female, in hopes of safe and successful future voyages. Libations were one of the most popular forms of offering in the ancient world, and there use s richly attested in classical literature. Libations are made as a sign of respect to the spirit, and out of a desire to share and give back to source, rather than as an offering of sustenance to the spirit.
· LIGHT HALF -The Light Half of a thing is its process of Evolution, or looking outward. During this process perspective expands and the connection between all things is felt. The day is the light half of the night. The waxing moon is the light half of the lunar cycle. The summer is the light half of the year. And so on.
· LOWER SELF -That part of ourselves of which we are easily aware; the physical, the emotional, and the mental aspects of the being. Through meditation and magic we can access our Higher Selves, which include the astral or creative level of our being, our soul, those traits which make us a distinct aspect of Deity, our monad, the level at which we are Divine but separate, and ultimately the Divine level at which all is one.


· MAGIC -Magic is the technique of creation. Magic is a method of creating, changing, or affecting circumstances through the manipulation of energy. Magic is accomplished through the focus of will power and emotion, which shape energy. Magic is best used for self improvement, prosperity, and healing.
· MAGIC CIRCLE -The Magic Circle is used to create Sacred Space in which to perform ritual, commune with our Higher Selves, or work magic. The Magic Circle is a microcosmic reenaction of the process of creation, and represents our ties to all of existence. Many people think of the Magic Circle as being primarily for protection, but in fact it serves to heighten and help focus magical power, and this is the principle reason for its use.
· MAGICAL TOOLS -In the wider sense magical Tools are any items which are dedicated to use in magic. They are usually highly personal and important to the user. In a more narrow sense a Wiccan’s magical tools are four; the Arthame or magical blade, the Wand, the Chalice, and the Pentacle. These are the same tools around which the Tarot is based, and have roots in very ancient practice.
· MUSIC OF THE SPHERES -Each of the seven planes has its own energy vibration, which in turn corresponds to a certain sound; for sound is generated by vibration. the vibration of vocal chord creates speech and song. The vibration of a drum skin produces the drumbeat. The vibration of the strings produces the music of the violin or the cello. So as the energy of the spheres vibrates at a given rate, it too must create a sound. This is the theory behind the “music of the spheres”. A variety of techniques have evolved from this theory to link sound with energy. They are the basis under which tuning forks, bells, and singing bowls are used for energetic healing, to give one example. Another form in which vibrational sound is used in energy work involves the linking of seven vowel sound with the seven planes/bodies/Chakras.



· OFFERING -An offering is a gift dedicated to a Deity, or Spirit. Many different terms exist to quantify the type of offering meant -a votive offering for example, given in fulfillment of a vow. The practice of making offerings is very ancient, and must be understood to be symbolic in nature, an act of respect and honor which strengthens the bond between the Deity or Spirit and the offerer, rather than as giving sustenance to the spirit.
· OMENS -Omens are messages from Spirit delivered in symbolic terms. Omens have been believed in all around the world in every time and place. They are symbolic and are personal rather than universal in nature. That is to say that an individual or a culture creates a language of symbols which Spirit then uses to communicate with them, so that different symbols will be used in different places. An example of an omen is the famous black cat crossing in front of one, warning of a need to seek and heed inner guidance. Omens are based on the idea that there is no such thing as a “chance” happening, and that everything that happens reflects the will of Spirit.
&middot, OUTER COURT -Many Temples have both an Inner and an Outer Court. In such Temples the Inner Court is made up of the actual clergy of the Temple, while members of the Outer Court are free to free to attend Temple ceremonies but are not expected to train for the clergy.


· PATRON -A Patron Deity is the particular Goddess or God that one feels most at Home with. Some people have more than one, but usually one will predominate. Any Deity that you are drawn to can be your patron Deity. One’s Patron Deity is prayed to for guidance, visions, blessing, etc.
· PENTAGRAM -The Pentagram, a five-pointed star in a circle, is the principle symbol of the Wiccan religion. The symbol was used in ancient Egypt to represent the concept of magic (without the circle) and the Spirit World (with the circle). In Classical times the Pentagram, also called Pentalpha, was used by the Pythagoreans -a Greek philosophical school with areputation for deep metaphysical knowledge. In the medieval period the symbol continued to flourish being used by a number of groups, including some Christians. The Pentagram has many meanings, notably the union of the Five Elements (Air, Fire, Water, Earth, and the Element which underlies them all: Spirit), which in turn corresponds to the union of Spirit and Matter and the attainment of Spiritual Illumination, as well as the ancient maxim: As Above So Below (because the five-pointed star can be taken to represent the human body, illustrating our Oneness with all creation).
· PRECESSION OF THE EQUINOXES -It was long ago observed that the physical position of the constellations had diverged from the theoretical positions used by astrology. Thus, the Spring Equinox which once coincided with the Sun’s apparent entry into the Zodiacal sign of Aries, has not done so for many hundreds of years, and now more closely corresponds to the Sun’s apparent entry into Pisces. From this fact the theory of the Zodiacal Ages was developed, based on the idea that “As Above, So Below” celestial phenomena must reflect Earthly conditions.
· PRIMEVAL DEITY -God/dess before creation, being both feminine and masculine, both spiritual and physical, resolving all opposites and polarities and containing within Itself all things. Primeval Deity is both the origin and the destination of existence, the inner soul of all creation. Primeval Deity is most often represented as the Androgyne or the Crone.
· PSYCHIC SHIELDING -Strengthening one’s aura to keep out extraneous or unwanted energies.
· PSYCHIC TIDE -The term Psychic Tide refers to the eternal cycles of energy in the Universe, which move in a constant process of Involution and Evolution, spiraling always inward, then outward. Everything which exists moves in the rhythm of the Psychic Tide, which has waves and currents and eddies at all levels of being. The galaxy, the planet, the individual, all move to the Psychic Tide on many different levels.
· PSYCHISM -Magic is the art of actively using the powers of the soul. Psychism is the art of using those same powers passively; to receive information or communication from the Higher Self or from others. Magic and psychism are intimately connected and the division between them is arbitrary, and solely to make understanding simpler.
· PHYSIOGNOMY -Physiognomy is the art of interpreting personality characteristics from the features of the face and body. In physiognomy every part of the body has a meaning -for example the eyebrows indicate temperament, the shoulders reflect ability to deal with pressure, and the feet refer to qualities of the life path. Physiognomy can be very useful for personality readings, for discerning the causes of psychic blockages or imbalances, and a variety of other purposes.



· RELEASING -Allowing excess energy to flow out of one, so that it can be grounded: returned to Mother Earth to be used in other, more productive ways.


&iddot; SABBAT -A Sabbat is a major Wiccan Festival. There are four Grand Sabbats, whose energy is primarily feminine. These are; Samhain, Imbolc, Bealteine, and Lughnassadh. There are four Lesser Sabbats as well, whose energy is primarily masculine. These are; the Spring Equinox (Ostara), the Summer Solstice, the Fall Equinox, and the Winter Solstice (Yule).
· SACRED SPACE -Sacred Space is space which is used for magical work or worship. Sometimes it is specially prepared by cleansing or other magical operations whose purpose is to change the vibration of the energy. Sometimes this change in vibration takes place as an automatic consequence of the activity taking place. In all cases it is not the physical area itself which is sacred, but rather the special nature of energy which has been raised in this way which creates “Sacred Space.”
· SEVEN PLANES -The seven planes, or spheres of existence are used to describe the different levels of being which Spirit, or Goddess, experiences in interaction with Matter, or God.
· SHADOW -Shadow is a term we use to describe feelings which we do not normally think of, but which function as limitations in our lives. The shadow is made up of all the fears, anxieties, and insecurities which we carry around with us.
· SIGILS -A sigil is a magical symbol representing a Deity, spirit, or concept in picture form. A sigil is usually very abstract and easy to draw, so that anyone can use it. Sigils are very important in magic, both because they convey complex ideas in simple forms, and because in former times people who used magic often could not read, and so relied upon pictographic forms to convey ideas much more than people tend to do today.
· SHIFTING CONSCIOUSNESS -The process through which we rise from our normal thinking level of consciousness to connect with our Higher Self. It is from this higher level of consciousness that magic is practiced as a conscious act. Science has shown that our brain waves actually change when we shift consciousness in this way, creating a distinctly different state from that of our normal mind.
· SOLAR CIRCUIT -The Solar Circuit is the principle energy circuit of the human body, having its origin at the Solar Chakra (hence the name). From this point energy enters the body from the Higher Self, and ultimately from the Goddess. This energy is limitless in theory, but in practice may be restricted or blocked for a variety of reasons. The Solar Circuit is used primarily for the sustenance of the body and the continuation of physical life.
· SPIRIT GUIDES -Every person has a number of Spirit Guides, or Familiar Spirits, around them. These spirits are there to help us in our lives, especially in dealing with major life lessons. They are also there to advise us, if we know how to listen to them. Spirit Guides are drawn from among the spirits of people we have known, with whom we still have a strong connection. Sometimes these are people we have known in this life, and sometimes they are people we have known in other lifetimes of which we may or may not have conscious memory. A person may have many Spirit Guides, but usually one special spirit will be the main guide. This spirit is a companion and guardian throughout life, even if the person has no conscious knowledge of their presence. There are many different kinds of Spirit Guide, some of whom specialize in healing, or the development of particular qualities or talents. But it is not necessary to know what a Spirit Guide specializes in to receive their help -indeed, it is not even necessary to know hey are there to be helped by them. In medieval times Spirit Guides were called Fairies, before that term came to be attached to Nature Spirits instead. They are also sometimes called “guardian angels.” But whatever they are called, the concept is always the same -a spiritual guide and helper who eases our journey through life.
· SYMPATHETIC MAGIC -Sympathetic magic is based on the idea of “Sympathy” -that items which have similar qualities can be used to represent each other, and can be used to magically affect each other. Thus because growing plants are green, green is the color of growth and increase -therefore burn a green candle to bring prosperity. Because fire brings transformation -changing raw food to cooked, wood and other materials to ash -burning a magical charm on a piece of paper can bring transformation to a situation. In reality these are “keys” or symbolic tools that we use to focus our energy and intent, which is what really makes the change.


· THURIBLE -A thurible is an incense holder suspended from a chain, which can be hung, or swung to disseminate the smoke through a given area. They are sometimes extremely richly decorated, and are considered the most formal type of incense burner. They are normally used with powdered incense and charcoal, but other methods do exist. The use of the Thurible is very ancient, and magnificent historical examples exist.
· TUATHAIL -This term is used to indicate counter-clockwise movement. It literally means “Northward” from the Gaelic Tuath or “North”. The term is commonly replaced with the colloquial “Widdershins” which is preferred in the Gardnerian Tradition.


· UNIVERSAL DEITY -The different faces of Deity are ways of understanding Universal deity. All of the faces of Deity in the end reflect the same universal power, as in fact do we and all of creation. That universal power is infinite and beyond our power to know in its totality, so we make understandable images through which we may interface with it. That infinite power is Universal Deity -the spirit of Deity that is beyond all names and images.


· VANGELO DELLE STREGHE -An Aradian Wiccan scripture containing the creation story, the Charge of the Goddess, and a collection of other myths deriving from Italian Witchcraft. Published by Charles Leland in 1599 Pisces (1899 AD) under the title “Aradia, or the Gospel of the Witches”, the book requires serious annotation to be properly understood, but is a cornerstone of Wiccan thought.
· VEIL -Most people perceive easily only the so-called “lower” aspects of their being. The physical self and its sensations. The emotional self and its feelings. The mental self and its thoughts. The higher aspects of the being, from which we derive such abilities as clairvoyance, telepathy, telekinesis, etc., most people can only access through much work and difficulty. Ordinarily we have no conscious knowledge of them, unless we have been “born old” in which case we have worked to develop them in earlier lives. The separation between what we consciously perceive of ourselves, and our higher powers is symbolically called a “veil”. This is because in former times an ornamental veil was often used to screen off the sanctuary of a temple from the general temple precincts. Consequently the idea of a veil hiding something spiritually higher seemed a natural allegory.
· VIBRATION -Vibration, the rate at which energy moves, is believed to become slower the farther down the seven spheres it proceeds. The slower the vibration, the denser the matter; thus the physical plane is the home of the densest matter with the slowest vibration, while the Divine plane has the least density and the fastest vibration. As energy moves upward from lower vibrations to higher ones, it generates heat. As energy slows from higher to lower vibrations, it produces coldness. You will notice this in energy working.
· VISUALIZATION -The art of concentrating or imagining something very strongly, usually as a visual image. In this way you focus mind and emotion to shape that which is visualized into reality.
· VORTICES -Vortices are the energy centers or Chakras of the Earth. The Earth’s energy is stronger and more easily interacted with at a Vortex, just as our own energy is stronger and more easily interacted with at our Chakra points. Vortices are ideal spots to receive energy from the Earth, and to send healing to the Earth -for this reason Vortex points are usually considered sacred spots, and are often used as worship centers. Just as the Chakras of the body are connected by meridians which transmit energy between them, so too the Earth’s Vortices are connected by “Ley Lines”.


· WHEEL OF THE YEAR -The Wheel of the Year refers to the yearly cycle of the Seasons, and to the sacred festivals which celebrate them. These festivals describe the process of Involution and Evolution on personal, seasonal, and Divine levels.



· YOUNGER SELF -”Younger Self” is a term which is used to describe the part of the self which is creative, spontaneous, and non-judgmental. Commonly this part of the self is visualized as a child version of the adult. Younger Self is sometimes described as being the place of Innocence, from which all things are possible. Many people have cut themselves off from this aspect of their persona, and neglected it -sometimes as a result of trauma. Such people must make an effort to reconnect with their Younger Self, and give it love and nurturing, until it is fully active within them. There are many techniques for doing this, most of which involve symbolically externalizing Younger Self to show it love. But even if we have not cut ourselves off from Younger Self, we should still make a strong effort to stay connected to it, and to keep it healthy and active.


· ZODIAC -The Zodiac is a system of constellations used since ancient times to structure the practice of Astrology. Developed in the ancient Near East, Astrology uses the theoretical position of stars and planets to address issues of internal character and future events. Though tied to the position of heavenly bodies, it could be argued that astrology really has more to do with the mathematical calculation of repeating cycles of time and their individual character, using the stars and planets as markers.
· ZODIACAL AGE -A Zodiacal Age is a period used to mark time by a Zodiacal ruler, theoretically reflected in the Precession of the Equinoxes. Each Zodiacal Age is ruled by a sign of the Zodiac, from which the Age is said to take its character. Different schools of though assign different lengths to the Zodiacal Age. According to the Correllian calendar a Zodiacal Age lasts for 1600 years, or four sets of four hundred years each. By Correllian reckoning we are currently at the end of the Piscean Age and the beginning of the Aquarian Age, with the year 2000 AD being an Intercalary year that is both 1600 Pisces (i) and 0 Aquarius (h)