Japanese Hair Color Brand Will Transform Your Hair the Magical Girl Way

The Japanese cosmetic brand Kao wants to add a little magic to your beauty routine with Liese Prettia hair color. The company began streaming a commercial on Thursday that introduced the first “episode” of Mahō Shōjo Liese Prettia starring voice actress Aya Suzaki.

Her character Rize is a second year middle school student with a cloud mascot that hides in her hair. The mascot is meant to resemble the logo from Liese Prettia hair color boxes. She transforms and defeats the attacking demon with a splash of bubbles. Just when it seems like the magic is over, Liese Prettia begins speaking to the anime’s viewer about transforming her own hair.

A make-over can really leave you feeling magical and it looks like there really is a magical girl for every occasion.

[Via Nijimen]

Jedite83: Jedite83 is a professional geek-of-all-trades and founder of Hacker Labs - The Geek and Otaku Blog. www.hackerlabs.net