For Christmas this year I got Jedite a 3-month Gift Subscription to Skoshbox, a Japanese candy monthly subscription box. So, for the months of January, February, and March Jedite and I, with special guest Captain Little Dude, will review the treats in each Skoshbox delivery. I ordered Jedite the 3-month Holiday Plan costing $35 total. That included shipping and everything. They have a 12-month plan that renews monthly for $12 (all prices are correct at the posting of this article), a 6-month plan that ends after 6 boxes costing $66 (that’s $11/box), or a 1-year plan that ends after 12 boxes costing $120 (that’s $10/box).
Skoshbox also offers a DEKAbox where you get twice the candy as a regular Skoshbox and the option of a mystery accessory item for $2 more/box. The 1-month plan renews monthly and costs $24/box. the 6-month plan ends after 6 boxes and costs $132 (that’s $22/box). The 1-year plan ends after 12 boxes and costs $240 (that’s $20/box).
In the middle of the Holiday Plan we moved. Contacting Customer Service via email was incredibly easy. They replied quickly and were able to easily change the address the box was sent to without making me jump through hoops. All I had to do was give them the new address and they took care of it. Come February we received our box at the new address on time. No hassles or headaches.
The box itself arrived the first week of January in a box small enough to fit in our mailbox or any PO Box. When we opened it we found a little card that showed the month and year on the front and had a description of each candy (complete with ingredients list!) on the back.
The Candy
While we tried each candy, I wrote down everyone’s initial reactions. We tasted everything over the course of one day. The only downside I see to these subscription boxes is the candy eventually runs out. Skoshbox does offer a store on their site where you can buy any candies you really enjoyed. That way you dont have to wait for it to show up again in a future box. Just order your own supply! I love it.
Potato Chip Sticks: Nori and Salt Seasoning –Potato Chip Sticks: Nori & Salt Seasoning
Jedite: Not bad, too salty. Nothing I would go out of my way to buy. Interesting. I like them.
The Dragon: Julienne potato sticks that tastes spinach flavored. I’m torn between seaweed and spinach. There isn’t a heavy salt taste, which I like, but it tastes a little bland. It tastes like a much healthier snack instead of regular American potato chips.
Captain Little Dude: He could not shovel them in his face fast enough! He kept grabbing the bag for more. I think he approves.
Green Tea Kit Kat (x2!): Matcha-Adult Taste Series –Green Tea Kit Kat (x2!)
: Well that’s GREEN. A little disappointing after trying it. I was looking forward to it, but… it’s not to my tastes.
: There were two of these in the box, which was nice. It meant there was one for me and one for Jedite. They arrived a little melted, but this is Florida. Even in the winter it is still pretty hot. I agree with Jedite, that is green. Like sweet pea baby food sort of green. I did NOT like this one. I usually LOVE Kit Kats, but this tasted like they slathered Chlorophyll on a Kit Kat. No thank you! I gave the rest to Jedite who scarfed it down.
: Thanks to the ingredients list we were able to see this contained Milk. As the good Captain is allergic to cow proteins, we skipped giving him this one.
: Tasty. Kind of like a burnt soy sauce smell to it. Little denser than anticipated.
: The box only had one of these, so we had to share it. It is hard. It tastes like a rice cracker. So tasty! A roasted sesame flavor. I would buy this again.
: Captain Little Dude did not get any of this treat. He is unable to chew something this hard right now.
: It is Strawberry Pocky. I am a little disappointed they included something I can buy at Wal-Mart.
: A little disappointed they included this in the box. It is readily available in the USA and I was hoping for something a little more exotic. It is a MUCH larger box than what is sold in the US.
: The good Captain is allergic to dairy and could not participate in tasting this one.
Sakusaku Panda Cookies: Biscuit with Chocolate Panda Face –Sakusaku Panda Cookies: Biscuit with Chocolate Panda Face
: I like the packaging. Cute. Creamy, sweet chocolate pretzel shaped cookie. Not bad, but could have been better. I would buy them again.
: SOOOOO GOOOOOOOD!!!!!!!!!! Little chocolate panda cookies. They are so cute, I almost didn’t want to eat them. I just wish there were more in the bag.
: Again, milk. Thanks ingredients list!
Shrimp Mayo Umaibo: Shrimp Mayo Puffed Corn Snack –Shrimp Mayo Umaibo: Shrimp Mayo Puffed Corn Snack
: Ew. Yep. I’m good. (aka No, thank you.) A flavorless cheeto with fish funk in the back.
: Smells like the hamburger teryaki puff from J-List’s Dagashi Bento Pack (Check out the review here!). Pretty tasty. It has a shrimp aftertaste, but not too overpowering. I would munch on this again. Almost like a tuna salad aftertaste.
: Captain Little Dude fell asleep and didn’t get to try this.
Nameko Biscuits: Butter Biscuits with Mascot Print –Nameko Biscuits: Butter Biscuits with Mascot Print
: They’re good. Buttery and just a little on the sweet side. I don’t think the print adds to it, but maybe that’s cause I’m not Japanese. I would buy these.
: Cute little monsters on the cookies. I wish I knew what they said. A buttery, cheesy, almost creamy cookie. It has a buttery, yogurt aftertaste. Not too bad. If I saw them in a vending machine, I would buy them.
: Contains Milk.
Star Kirby Bubble Gum: Soda Bubble Gum + Sticker Set –Star Kirby Bubble Gum: Soda Bubble Gum + Sticker Set
: If Sprite was made into a gum, this would be it. There is an American nutrition label on the back, interesting. The stickers are cool. Kinda expected the gum to be pink, like other gum, not grayish-green. Kinda has a lemon-lime scent.
: It comes with a collector’s card. For what, I don’t know. You get three small squares of gum, some stickers, and a black and white Nintendo “card” on a piece of cardboard. Smells like lime to me. Very flavorful. Tastes like Sprite. Great for blowing bubbles. Keeps the flavor for a while.
: Still asleep and it would not be good to give a toddler gum.
Hello! I am The Dragon, creator of The Dragon’s, Jedite’s wife, Co-Creator of Captain Little Dude, Geek, Gamer, Nerd, fangirl, bookworm, and Pagan. Pastry Chef turned Web Designer. Entrepreneur. Philanthropist. Human. Feminist.