Pop in a Box: February 2017
This is a repost from The Dragon’s Tower.
For those who are unaware, I am a HUGE Funko Pop! fan! My collection is small, but awesome. While researching which subscription boxes to check out, I found Pop in a Box, a monthly Funko Pop! subscription box. How it works is simple. Go to their site and select which Pop!s you want, do not want, and those you already have from their extensive list. Select your subscription. You can choose from 1 or more Pop!s per month starting at $9.99 per month. With tax I pay $13.98 for one Pop! per month. It automatically renews until you cancel it. They select a random Pop! from your list and mail it to you once a month. Easy.

This month I received an Animaniacs – Dot #163. For a chance to win your own Animaniacs – Dot #163 CLICK HERE.