12 Years
Another year has passed and Hacker Labs is now 12 years old. The last year has been filled with growth,even if not all of it is visible.
In January of this year The Dragon and I decided to take our websites to the next level and started our own business, Slosson Innovations, to manage the sites. We also updated some of our technology also, moving from rented shared web hosting to a virtual server from a far better provider (which will give us some great options for future projects) and restructuring the under lying software that runs the sites (to help reduce resource requirements and make management easier and the over all user experience more consistent and streamlined.
On Hacker Labs – The Geek and Otaku Blog we have continued to produce great articles and reviews on many geek topics. Later this month we will be covering Metrocon, an anime convention in Tampa FL.
We launched All Things Wicca, a completely overhauled and reimaged version of the older Jedite’s Book of Shadows. We transferred the content from the old wiki software and rewrote / reorganized the Book of Shadows.
We are currently working to Launch a all new The Dragons Tower.