New Avalon

January 2016

Welcome to the new All Things Wicca, the official site for the Church of New Avalon. Please bear with us as we remodel the site and add some new features. What new features can you look forward to this month?

  • Check out our Calendar where you can find the dates and times (in ET) of Sabbats and Esbats celebrated by the Church of New Avalon, including Full Moons.
  • More articles for Jedite’s Book of Shadows
  • Local Pagan Directory – Check out our Local Pagan directory and find other Pagans in your area. If you would like to submit your group, meet-up, Coven, or gathering’s information to our list, please click here.

Please bear with us as we continue to remodel and add new features to All Things Wicca, the official site for the Church of New Avalon. You do not have to be a member of the Church of New Avalon in order to utilize the resources on this site. All are welcome!

Next Sabbat

Imbolc – February 1, 2016


Hello! I am The Dragon, creator of The Dragon’s, Jedite’s wife, Co-Creator of Captain Little Dude, Geek, Gamer, Nerd, fangirl, bookworm, and Pagan. Pastry Chef turned Web Designer. Entrepreneur. Philanthropist. Human. Feminist.