Mrs. Deadpool & the Howling Commandos 003 Aug. 2015 Review
To catch you up…
This issue of Mrs. Deadpool and the Howling Commandos (003, Aug. 2015) opens with our narrator, the ghost of Deadpool filling us in on what happened in the last two issues. Shiklah, Queen of the Monster Metropolis, has no recollection of ever being married to Deadpool. She thinks Dracula killed him and now Dracula wants to marry her. She has other plans… to kill him first. Shiklah has joined forced with the Howling Commandos (Werewolf-by-Night, Frankenstein, Man-Thing, The Living Mummy, the Invisible Man, and Marcus the Werewolf-Centaur-Gladiator with a symbiote) to seek a powerful artifact that will kill Dracula once and for all. On their journey Shiklah has been making “Goo-goo eyes” at Werewolf-by-Night causing our ghostly narrator to take a more active roll in the story. But, no one can see or hear him…
Shiklah and the HC finally reached Weirdworld and were headed to the Temple of the Manticore to get the artifact while Dracula is going insane looking for his invisible intruder, the Invisible Man. Back on the trail with Shiklah and co, we discover Frankenstein can hear Deadpool. Unfortunately for Deadpool Frankenstein is happy having a SECRET friend. They reach the Temple of the Manticore and find a wizard guarding the temple. Shiklah makes quick work of him and they continue to find the artifact that will kill Dracula and make their way back to the palace to do some killing.
Meanwhile, Dracula finally grabs the heart of who he believes is the Invisible Man. Turns out it was Mrs. Invisible Man. Dracula finally loses it and kills everyone. Shiklah and the HC return to see him in his murder rampage, vowing to kill everyone. TO BE CONTINUED…
Not a whole lot of action in this one, but the interaction between Deadpool and Frankenstein is hysterical. I want to see more of that. This comic feels like one written for adults and it has the same witty, silly humor the Deadpool comics had. I don’t really care at this point where they go with the story. I just want to see more Deadpool and Frankie. Until next time!